Stumbling around the net I came upon a site
(the Posibility Virus) whose content peaked my interest in a big way. Lately I've found myself a little lost as to what I want to to and whare I want to go in life. I decided to worry less about it and try to somply have more fun in my life and let go of my tight grip on things. It's a little scary coz I feel I'm climbing into a human canon about to be shot blindfolded into the unknown and for all I know there's a brick wall out there with my name on it. Anyway, these couple of simple Flash 'films' offer some interesting and inspiring concepts about life.
1. The Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun2. Find Your Great WorkBoth are based on a book I may have to check out called
Find Your Great Work by Michael Bungay Stanier.
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