Friday, August 29, 2008


A guy named Daniel Deutsch has built himself a fully functional landspeeder from Star Wars. However it's only good for picking up sand people and tuscan raiders. Regular human chicks get a little weirdrd out by the geekiness. But I still want one!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fringe: A mix of the X-Files and Lost ?

I can't wait for this new tv series from JJ Abrams. I wonder if it's gonna be connected to Lost at all. I only say that coz the black dude who visited Hurley in the psych hospital is in this new show. Here's hoping. I see it also stars Joshua Jackson (Pacey from Dawson's Creek) For some odd reason I kinda like him, but I don't really know why coz he seems to have all the qualities of a deuche bag, yet I cannot look away. Hmmm.

Mmmmm, Pacey.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Imagining the Tenth Dimension

This video has been around a while now (based on a book of the same name) and it's trips my balls right out of their sack. BUT I have bit of an issue with the 4th dimension (duration/time) and beyond because I firmly believe that time does NOT exist. You read correctly. Time is merely a measuring system created by humans to catalogue change. So I don't really understand how you can fold the dimension of time if it's not a dimension in the first place. Kinda blows the next six out of the water, but it's still an awesome little doco.

Wreck Beach

I have come to the decision that Vancouvers' Wreck Beach is my favourite place on Earth (thus far). And yes, its mostly because of the nudity but not in the perverted sense. I have never come across a place where such freedom and beauty literally overwhelm my senses. Standing in the water and looking back at the beach is simply moving. All around are people, naked as the day they were born, skimboarding, sleeping, playing with their children, eating, selling cool clothing and jewellery, playing drums, cooking whole pigs to share with the beach-goers, swimming, laughing... it's exactly the way human beings are SUPPOSED to live!! All this is framed by a lush green forest on one side and spectacular mountains on the other.

BUT, if you plan to go to Wreck, for god's sake TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES!! You will barely get half of the experience if you remain clothed. The whole point of the beach is the utter freedom without judgement. It's totally liberating.

But hurry up! Summer is almost over so make the most of it by kicking back, toking on a joint, nibbling on a magic mushroom, sipping a beer and eating a sandwich, all of which are available from the vendors roaming the beach. FUCK YEAH!!


the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is essentially an elctromagnetic station built in Alaska for US military defense. Looking much like a giant field of Hills Hoist clotheslines it has a number of potentially devestating applications such as deflecting missiles, altering weather patterns, possible mind control and fuck knows what else. Basically it microvaves the Earths ionosphere and warps its shape to achieve their evil deeds.

Some say the earthquake that hit China on May 26 2008 was caused by the US military using HAARP. Witnesses in China saw (and filmed) a strange aurora-like rainbow in the sky moments before the earthquake hit.

Between this, the LHC and the Mayan calendar predictions for December 21 2012, we're fucked!

the Mars Webcam

If Google Earth wasn't enough, now there's a webcam pointed right at Mars. Check it out at

Winged Cat Terrorizes China

A Chinese cat has sprouted wings in the latest of natures strange attempts to find the next evolutionary successor to the failing Homo Sapien. First it was a monkey-faced pig, then a god-awful Montauk Monster is pulled to shore by a surfer, then the two headed boy named Kiron is born, and now we have a Bat-Cat with fat, furry wings bent on world domination. I can't wait to see what nature spits out next. Apparently the owner of the bat-cat was worried that her pride and joy would fly away and cut off one of the wings. BITCH!

Two-headed boy born in Bangladesh

On August 25th a 22 year old woman in Bangladesh gave birth to what I can only predict will be our future ruler; a two headed boy. Although I'm sure there will be conflict between the two independant brains (ala Homer and Mr Burns in the Simpsons halloween special), I've no doubt this lads superior double intellect will make the right choices for us all. All hail Kiron, our two headed overlord!

Highly-Advanced Cloaking Device Unveiled in French Forest


Deep in the forests of Alsace, adventurous explorers can marvel at this strange installation that looks very much like what an invisibility cloak over a secret ship might look like in 100 years. No it's not a Romulan craft — it's actually a sculpture made of stones, glue and mirrors by Michel De Broin.

De Broin says the sculpture, called "Superficial," is about a "notion of transparency," and that:
The large stone, tucked away deep in the woods, became a reflective surface for its surroundings. In this play of splintered radiance, the rock disappears in its reflections. Because it reflects one cannot be mislead by its presence, yet we cannot seize it, rather it is the rock that reflects us.


If the previous highly detailed diagram of the inner workings of the LHC wer too much for your brain to handle then perhaps this rap (put together by workers actually making the damn thing) will help.

Giant Machine Creates Science

LHC (Large Hadron Collider). Where the fuck do you begin with this gigantic ring of certain (or at least hopeful) doom? How about with a simple explaination. I believe this diagram will answer all your questions.

Baman Piderman

A personal Favourite