So Neil Gaiman is penning a two-issue Batman tribute for DC called
Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? It'll recap the last 69 years of Bruce Wayne/Batman from his gruesome beginnings to his 'retirement' this Nov 26 when Batman R.I.P wraps in issue #681. Once Bruce Wayne hangs up the cape and cowl the battle will be on for the new Batman and I suspect Bruce will make a triumphant return as the Bat sometime during the 70th anniversary. Will it be anything like Superman's short-lived electric blue reboot a few years back?

Batman has a had a few different incarnations over the years. Lets recap some of them;
The original 1939 Batman;

Azrael (Jean-Paul Valley) as a violent, mechanically aided Batman after Bane broke Bruce Wayne's back;

Batman of Zur-En-Arrh (Bruce's psychologically alternate Batman);

Alex Ross' mechanically assisted Kingdom Come Batman;

Alex Ross' Justice League Batman;

Frank Miller's 50 year old Batman;

and of course TV's Batman Beyond (Terry McGinnis);

I can't wait to see what DC do with the Bat over the next year or so. Will there be a few different Batmen while the
Battle for the Cowl rages on (as they did with the 4 Supermen who arrived while Supes lay 'dead' in his tomb)? Aaarrrgghh! I feel like a kid again!!
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